The Cash Flow ManagementTool You Need!
Designed for ease of use, we connect to all your credit and debit accounts, grab all your accounts payable, accounts receivable, income, expenses, credit card statements, due dates from your accounting software and put it in one place so that you know what and when you need to pay and how much you have left on any given day. It is that simple!
The Problem
awrfi is not for accountants
awrfi empowers small business owners to take charge of their finances. By seamlessly connecting accounts and integrating accounting data, we provide a clear, consolidated view of cash flow, expenses, and income. Gain better control and make informed financial decisions effortlessly.
The X And Ys
awrfi is simple, we will tell you theamount you need to pay (X), and whatyou will be left over (Y). Take control ofyou money management!
Payment Sync
Integrate your bank account andaccounting software for eff ortlesssynchronization and real-time updates.Always know when to strategically payyour dues for maximizing cash in yourpocket.
Optimize Your Payments
Plan your cash fl ow months in advance,enabling proactive decision-making.
Seemless Integration
We integrate with your existingtools, giving you the visibility youneed without disrupting yourworkfl ows, cleaning up your data,or using cumbersome BI tools.
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